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How to get picture-perfect topiary in time for garden-party season

The popular horticulture pastime has become all the the rage; here are the plants to choose, and how to perfect your design

Nothing sets off a garden quite like a neatly clipped topiary ball, cone or, perhaps, cloud. If you fancy having a go at turning your shrubs into topiary in time for the first garden parties of the summer, now is a good time of year to get cracking. You could take the easy way out by buying a ready-made design in the form of a wire frame. Some even come with a plant attached. The plant will grow into the shape and you just trim off the excess as it pokes through the frame. It is not, though, the way to learn your craft, says Chris Crowder. Crowder is head gardener and topiarist at Levens Hall in Cumbria which is world-famous for its topiary.
“I always advise not to buy a ready-made piece or wire frame. The best way is to start on a very small plant and make it into your piece of topiary,” he says.
Using a frame will also deprive you of the enjoyment and sense of achievement of creating different designs, he adds.
Phil Seabrook, owner of Tip-Top Topiary in Sevenoaks, Kent, agrees that if you want to improve at topiary, you need to start from scratch by creating designs freehand.
Beginners should start cheap and small. Look for a plant in the sale section of a homeware store, he advises. 
“You don’t want to spend £50 on a shrub then be scared of making a mess of it,” says Seabrook, who is a member of EBTS (the European Boxwood and Topiary Society). EBTS often uses Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) for clipping demonstrations because it is easy to cut. A good size is 100cm-120cm in a five-litre pot.
When it comes to your first attempt on a plant in your garden, it is wise to start with a small, relatively simple design, such as a cone, pyramid or ball. Your choice of plant is important. Evergreen, small-leafed, medium to slow-growing shrubs are best suited to topiary because the tiny leaves look neat when cleanly cut and slower growth means you only need to trim it once a year. Traditionally popular plants for topiary in the UK are box (Buxus sempervirens) and yew (Taxus baccata). Box, a shrub, is more suitable for smaller shapes, whereas yew, a larger shrub or a tree, is preferred for bigger examples.
Box’s future as a garden staple is under serious threat from blight, a fungal disease, and box tree caterpillar (Cydalima perspectalis), which between them have decimated swathes of the shrub across the UK. However, to avoid box completely would be to miss out on a superb topiary plant, say Seabrook and Crowder.
Like yew, box handles being clipped very well and grows over mistakes such as cutting into it too hard, but not so rapidly that the topiary will need clipping more than once a year. Another advantage is that because both are happy in shade, they stay in leaf, whereas sun-lovers lose foliage from self-shaded lower branches and spoil the design, says Crowder.
“Box is still the king of topiary. Blight is in no way inevitable; quite often it comes in on other plants or garden shears, so you need to be careful with good hygiene and disinfecting tools,” says Seabrook. Quarantine plants you buy in if you already have box in your garden, and use a fungicidal spray in the early stage of an attack, which can save a plant.
Box caterpillar is not inevitable either, he says. You just need to learn its life cycle and be vigilant, either spraying your box as a precautionary measure or spraying if you spot any caterpillars. Using pheromone traps to catch male moths reduces the number of fertilised eggs laid by the females. More advice is on the EBTS website.
Small-leaf varieties of privet such as Ligustrum japonicum and holly (Ilex) are good alternatives to box. Honeysuckle (Lonicera nitida) is also used but it has a looser leaf and is fast-growing so needs to be clipped up to four times a year to retain its shape. 
The way a plant grows naturally is important when choosing which to use for your design, so that you are manipulating rather than fighting against it. Box has a naturally curved growth so it lends itself to balls, as does privet. Monterey cypress has an upright habit so is good for pyramids and spirals, although like almost all conifers, if cut into too hard it does not grow back from old wood. Box and privet are also good for “blobby” shapes such as cloud topiary, a Japanese form also known as Niwaki, which is currently all the rage and involves shaping a tree or bush to resemble clouds. All can be used for animals, including peacocks, a popular choice for topiary, says Seabrook.
When it comes to tools, Seabrook suggests that beginners start with hand shears before progressing onto topiary shears or clippers. Battery-operated clippers or hedge trimmers can be used for bigger designs. Crowder says keep your tools in good condition: “If they don’t cut paper like scissors cut paper you must sharpen them.”
The keys to topiary are patience, care and observation. “You need a clean cut because it heals more easily. If you tear the leaf of box in particular you’re going to end up with a dead section still attached to the plant,” says Seabrook. “Shears are much slower [than hedge cutters] so you’re forced to decide where to cut. It’s important to stand back and look. I often say I’m working harder when I’m staring at the bush than when I’m cutting. The standing back, looking and deciding where to cut and how much is the harder bit.”
He advises attending a class or demonstration to get an idea of technique. The EBTS website also offers tips and advice. Crowder and Seabrook have spent years perfecting their craft and it is a constant learning curve. You will not achieve perfection straight away, especially with intricate designs such as animals which could take a few years to perfect. Seabrook says his peacocks look “anorexic and quite sorry examples” when he starts them because they need time to fill out into shape and to be refined.
One of the pleasures of topiary is it allows you to be creative, says Crowder, whose own designs at Levens Hall have evolved over the years.
“If one thing doesn’t work try a different shape,” agrees Seabrook. If disaster strikes, wait for your errors to grow out, then have another go.”  
